
Dark Hair, Blonde Highlights

March 15, 2015

Dark Hair, Blonde Highlights

I’m not the one to shy away from a hair color or a haircut. For a long while now I’ve been a blonde: a honey blonde, a darker blonde and a brighter blonde. Nevertheless a blonde. Last week I had a hair appointment and decided to change that. I did however keep some blonde highlights. My hair changes with my mood: I’m never boring in the hair department, switching from bright blonde to a bright pink and now a dark brown. Don’t get me wrong, my hair has seen some drastic changes, but never under the strict supervision of professional people. I don’t bleach my hair and I don’t damage it.

From a short bob I’m growing it now to a longer one. Soon the sun will make its way into our hearts and longer days will eventually bring me back to my love for blonde. Until then you all have to get used to seeing me like this, a color that very much resembles my natural one.

Dark Hair, Blonde HighlightsDark Hair, Blonde HighlightsDark Hair, Blonde HighlightsDark Hair, Blonde HighlightsDark Hair, Blonde HighlightsDark Hair, Blonde Highlights


Photos by Me


Patterned shirt // Stradivarius

Butterfly Earrings // Accessorize



Lips // Revlon in Fuchsia

Eyes // MAC Prep + Prime Highlighter Light Boost, Maybelline Mono Eye Shadow in Chocolate, Oriflame THE ONE Cream Eye Shadow – Beige Pearl, Oriflame VeryMe Mocha Loca Double Eye Pencil

Lashes // Oriflame Giordani Gold Volume Delight Mascara in Black

Brows // Oriflame Precise Brow Definer

Cheeks // Maybelline Expertwear Blush


Outtakes with cats

Usually I do my photos at my parent’s house. They have the most wonderful light breaking through. Of course the cats were there to “help”.


Until next time, xoxo

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  • Reply MissLilly March 22, 2015 at 4:04 pm

    I love it! First of all love the bob haircut, I’m having one myself but my hair tends to go a bit curly in a messy way hahahaha
    Love the colour too, it looks amazing with your skin-tone. 🙂
    Great photos as well

    • Reply Anca Varsandan March 24, 2015 at 11:29 pm

      Thank you so much 🙂

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