Featured, Personal Style

The Fall Wind In My Hair (Another Office Look)

September 19, 2018

Another office look, another post with my super comfortable heels. Repeat offender, I know. There is a lot I don’t like about the fashion blogging community, and one of those things is consumerism. I try to mix and match pieces I already own, with new additions. Take out the old and bring in the new. I don’t believe anyone can wear 3 closets full of clothes and really enjoy them. I struggle with my clothes as a small blogger, never mind those big bloggers who don’t get to repeat one single bag or even one stocking.

What I do enjoy today is simple things, like this simple look, with a bag to match. I cannot resist patterns so they pop here and there. Look out this Fall for snake and animal prints. They are making a huge comeback.

Office looks is what I do everyday, so this simple, yet chic one matches the weather outside: crisp mornings, not yet cold, but not warm either. A trench is a must for Fall, so I was excited to re-wear my short one.

As always,


Wearing: Short Trench // Marks and Spencer London, Shirt // thrifted, Pants // H&M, Heels // Steve Madden, Bag // Fornarina, Star Bracelet // Stradivarius, Earrings // Pull and Bear (old), Pom-Pom // C&A.

blonde bob with pink highlight, office look, trench coat, grey shirt, delicate star bracelet, snake print earringsblonde bob with pink highlight, office look, trench coat, jeans, steve madden heels, fornarina bagoffice look, trench coat, grey shirt, delicate star bracelet, fornarina bagoffice look, trench coat, jeans, steve madden heels, fornarina bagoffice look, trench coat, grey shirt, delicate star bracelet, fornarina bagoffice look, trench coat, fornarina bagblonde bob with pink highlight, office look, grey shirt, snake print earrings, jeans, steve madden heels, fornarina bagblonde bob with pink highlight, office look, grey shirt, jeans, fornarina bagblonde bob with pink highlight, office look, trench coat, grey shirt, snake print earringsblonde bob with pink highlight, office look, grey shirt, snake print earrings, jeans, fornarina bag


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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  • Reply Anas September 19, 2018 at 6:03 pm

    This outfit is pretty classy and you look great in it!

  • Reply hassan shakir September 20, 2018 at 4:27 pm

    Great Blog!
    Looking Awesome.

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