Sunday was a kind of “it’s looking cloudy and later will rain” day. A day better spent in the kitchen. I haven’t made something sweet in a while and returned to my favorite dessert: the chocolate cake. But that cake transformed into chocolate muffins. And those muffins completely morphed in something completely different: muffins in a glass. I know, weird. How did that happen’? The undecided factor, that is what happened: a chocolate cake would be too fatty for us, let’s cut the ingredients in half. Cutting the ingredients in half turned my muffins in teeny tiny ones that were not enough to stand on their own. But no panic. I transformed the whole muffin dessert into muffins in a glass dessert, that I wish by the end of the day was indeed more of to begin with. They were delicious, very well cooked and yummier even the next day.
The cooking time is 20 minutes. It serves 15-16 small muffins served into 4 large wine glasses.
What you will need (it is not a very sugary recipe, if you like it very sweet, double the sugar):
- 100g dark chocolate
- 100g butter
- 85g simple flour
- 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda
- 200g fine granulated sugar
- 25g cocoa
- 2 eggs
- 36ml cream
- however many Oreos you want
For the chocolate ganache:
- 100g dark chocolate
- 2 large spoons of fine granulated sugar
- 142ml cream
I should tell you, since I started baking, and I think anyone who does this will tell you that baking is a lot harder than it looks. You need a whole new kitchen next to the one you already have now. Because baking is an art, and when I do something that finishes in yummy results and all the house wants more, that my friends is a success all together. This was one of those moments.
Now back to our recipe
Preheat the oven to 140°C.
I like to put all my ingredients together on the table so I can see them. You will need 2 medium bowls: in one you will mix the flour with the baking soda, the cocoa and the fine granulated sugar. Don’t be afraid to crumple with your fingers the granulated sugar, because usually it clumps together even as you buy it. In the second bowl beat the 2 eggs until smooth and blended and add the cream. Since this is an Oreo dessert, you can also put Oreos in the mixture, just crumple it in the flour mixture. I didn’t get to do that because I’ve already eaten half of the Oreo pack the previous day. It might happen to you too. You must resist the Oreo power.
Now get a small pan and melt the chocolate along with the butter. Leave it a few minutes on medium and then pour it over the flour and cocoa mixture. Add the eggs and cream and mix it all together. It will become a liquid gooey mixture of chocolate. Since I wanted to do muffins I put the mixture in muffin shapes, lined with aluminum foil so as not to stick, but you can just put it in a small cake tray. It’s the final mixture that counts and it doesn’t matter what shape it is. Leave it for 20 minutes in the oven. When it’s done you can tell by placing a stick inside the mixture, it should be risen but still moist and it will leave small crumbs on the stick. Get it out and leave it to cool.
In the meantime prepare the chocolate ganache: again in a small pan melt the dark chocolate along with the cream and sugar. Get the 4 glasses and put in the muffin mixture just about over half of the glass. Get the ganache and with a spoon sprinkle it plenty over. You can repeat making layers of muffin mixture and chocolate ganache. Get some Oreos again and crumple them on top. Decorate whatever you want. You can use fruits also. I chose some small decorative candy balls because the strawberries in the market were all sold out by the time I got there.
That is all. Now serve to your family or friends and I bet they will ask for more.
One simple recipe for a rainy day.
Photos by Me
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