Beauty, Editorial

Beauty Haul

May 20, 2016

Welcome kittens to my very first beauty haul. I have bought and received some early birthday presents from family and friends and thought since there were so many, I might just pop in here and review them. I am always on the lookout for new skin care and foundation/concealer products so this may very well be my lucky month.

vichy dermablend 3d correction fond de teint

Let’s start with the first product, which is a Vichy foundation. I had planned on getting a Vichy product sometime in the near future, and just my luck, a good friend gave me her brand new one because the color did not match her complexion. 15 Opal is the fairest color of Vichy DermaBlend 3D Correction, and since I am the fairest of them all, it suited me just fine. Early birthday present, yay!

First let’s start with the bad news: it’s a foundation for oily/acne prone skin. It has an oil-free formula. My skin now is very dry. So for me, this particular foundation is no good. The good news: I only use foundation/concealer under my eyes and most importantly to cover a sun spot under my left eye. That is all. For that purpose, this foundation is perfect. It does not budge, it stays on even if I forget I have it on and rub my eyes or take a nap in it. The coverage is good, not perfect, but it does its job. My face looks fresh and rested. And that is all I need!

simple make-up with fuchsia lipsoriflame the one brow kit

My recent most sought after product was an eyebrow kit. In a previous post I’ve mentioned that I wanted to try and buy an Anastasia Kit. But I’m starting small first, with the Oriflame The One EyeBrow Kit. Why? Because they have the setting wax also and two shades of browns: a darker shade (I doubt I will use it often, maybe in the evenings) and a lighter shade (that’s the bomb). I’ve used it once so far and I am more than happy with it. I previously had an Oriflame brow pencil that recently has been reduced to a useless stub. The shades are not that much different, only difference is they come in a powder case.

miss sporty studio lash and oriflame the one 5 in 1 wonder lash mascaras

The 3D mascaras. Oh, how I love them. They give you complete coverage and, at least for my lashes, don’t clunk. The Miss Sporty Studio Lash Mascara was bought by yours truly and the Oriflame The One 5-in-1 Wonder Lash Mascara came as a gift form my boyfriend’s mum along with the eye brow kit. Now I have plenty of mascaras.

As far as make-up products go, I usually don’t look for big brands or small brands, it’s whatever works for me. And I’ve learned that ever since I bought myself a Sephora mascara that was so horrible I had to stop using it and throw it in the garbage. Yes, I might hear about a product that’s big and read reviews about it, but if it ain’t for me, I ain’t gonna be schilling for it.

lancome le nuit tresor perfume gift box

I’m closing off with a very sweet perfume by Lancome, a gift my mum received. She always waits for me to unwrap her presents (my mum has a lot of perfumes that over her years were stolen by me). I think I’m going to take this back to her as it is rather sweet for my liking and stick with a more Springish scent that my Yves Rocher perfume has. I loved its gift box presentation tough 🙂

lancome le nuit tresor perfume gift box open

This is it for now, I plan to do a lot more of these kind of posts, they are fun!


Thank you for reading and watching 🙂

Photos by me and Cata, edited by me.




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