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Gem Jewelry Collection by Star Harvest Silver Jewelry

September 12, 2016

This is the second time the very lovely people at Star Harvest Silver Jewelry are gifting me with their delicate jewelry. And what a treat they are. Even more beautifully wrapped, boxes so cute, gems so sparkly. It felt like Christmas morning that Friday evening, coming off work, cats around me, unwrapping and unwrapping, finally the bracelet, necklace and stud earrings making their way out of the extremely cute boxes they were in. I love them all.

I again took advantage of the few Summer days we are left to enjoy and took to my parent’s house and their 4th floor gorgeous sunset light. I wanted the gems to shine but also had this peasant blouse in mind, an original Romanian blouse, a gift from my mum, bought in the heart of Romania. Ever since Matisse painted “La Blouse Roumaine“, this particular garment propelled into our sartorial collective minds, designers everywhere wanting to recreate its beautiful, delicate and intricate designs. Never one the same, these beautiful blouses are hand made and can only be bought here in Romania. I am very proud to own two such beautiful blouses.

As for make-up, I chose bright pinks, not too many products, just two for impact. My recently bought L’Oreal Matte Gloss, an impulsive buy to be honest, a decision based on the mirage of it’s punchy color. I believe the gloss looks better as a blotted-off stain (usually this is what it takes to have that matter feeling, to get that stained effect), but I surely forgot to do that. One layer of it looks more like a thick even gloss, as you can see in the photos. The gloss is of good quality though, more of a lip lacquer than a gloss.

p.s. You can find my previous Star Harvest post here. Scroll down for said package awesomeness.

Wearing: Silver Stud Gem Earrings, Silver Gem Necklace, Silver Gem Bracelet // Star Harvest Silver Jewelry, Choker // Stradivarius, Original Romanian Peasant Blouse/Ie Romaneasca.

Face: Vichy DermaBlend 3D Correction // 15 Opal, Eyes: Fluidline// MAC Blacktrack, Barry M London // Dazzle Dust – 85 Neon Pink, Burberry Eye Color Cream // Festive Gold No. 120, Miss Sporty Studio Lash 3D Dark Lasher Mascara // 001 Extra Black, Oriflame The One Eye Brow Kit, Lips: L’Oreal Glam Matte Intense Matte Gloss // 512 Fuchsia Flare.


And here they are, the cutest boxes ever seen. If there are fellas around, you should really look into present ideas on the Star Harvest website. They do deliver plenty. You girls also, perfect gifts for girlfriends, mums, aunts, grandmas, different occasions, you name it.

The silver is delicately worked, the gems so sparkly. And this is coming from a person that is not that into jewelry. Sure, they’re fine, but too sophisticated for me or some plain boring and old. I am not a vintage girl. These have a simple yet cute design that even a person like me fell for them. Especially that simple necklace, I wear it everyday now.



Thanks for reading and watching 🙂

Photos & editing by me.



This post was brought to you by Star Harvest Silver Jewelry


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