Featured, Personal Style


October 1, 2018

I can transition from office and more relaxed, comfy looks in an instant. Like slipping into my comfortable sneakers the next day I wore my super fab high heels. Today I have returned to my love of pink and super cute accessories. I really missed them. Shopping constantly in thrift shops, in this post, I managed to pull an all “americana” look – all American labels.

Fall brings layers and lots of fallen leafs. A denim jacket and a cute checked shirt are the classic staples to any comfortable look going out and about, anywhere there’s carpets of red and yellow Fall leafs. 

I can fall in love with Fall again!

As always,


Wearing: Pink Shirt // Abercrombie & Fitch, Jeans // Diesel, Denim Jacket // American Eagle, Shoes // Tommy Hilfiger, Bag // vintage Guess, Chokers // H&M, Cute Cat Ring // C&A, Earrings // Accessorize (old).

fall/autumn look, classic fall look, abercrombie & fitch checked shirt, diesel jeans, american eagle denim jacket, chokers, round golden pendant and round earringsfall/autumn look, classic fall look, abercrombie & fitch checked shirt, chokers, round earringsfall/autumn look, classic fall look, abercrombie & fitch checked shirt, diesel jeans, american eagle denim jacket, chokers, guess bag, tommy hilfiger shoesfall/autumn look, classic fall look, abercrombie & fitch checked shirt, american eagle denim jacket, chokers, round golden pendant and round earrings, cute cat ringfall/autumn look, classic fall look, abercrombie & fitch checked shirt, diesel jeans, american eagle denim jacket, guess bag, golden hour sunshinefall/autumn look, classic fall look, abercrombie & fitch checked shirt, diesel jeans, american eagle denim jacket, chokers, round golden pendant and round earrings, cute cat ring fall/autumn look, classic fall look, abercrombie & fitch checked shirt, diesel jeans, american eagle denim jacket, guess bag, tommy hilfiger shoes


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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