Featured, Personal Style

Red For Christmas

November 28, 2018

All the jolly and wonderful times to come… So excited. Much more excited about the Christmas parties coming our way: whether you have a work, friends, family, cat, dog Christmas party you have to arrive festive. Or in my case at least wear red. 

The autumn leafs may still linger, but in my heart the foliage is replaced by snow filled scenery and lots of Christmas reindeer decorations. For this end of the year I am again happy to spend my time with lots of friends and family.

Onto today’s outfit post: I never thought that white heels would be worn by me so often. But they go with everything I have and are my “go to” whenever I want to feel taller. My vintage shopping is not stopping, today I’m showing another LV I recently purchased. It’s so beautiful and so well made. My red coat, seen previously if you’ve been following me all this time, that is so appropriate for this time of the year – all matching with this cute vintage dress I found online. It’s my first wrap dress.

A red inspiration look for your holiday parties.

As always,


Wearing: Coat // SheIn (old), Wrap Dress // vintage, Scarf // Pull and Bear, Heels // Dorothy Perkins, Bag // Louis Vuitton, Jewelry // vintagelady.ro.

winter fashion, christmas party look, louis vuitton bag, red coat, pattern dress, white heelswinter fashion, christmas party look, louis vuitton bag, red coat, pattern dress, white heels, red lipstickwinter fashion, christmas party look, plaid winter scarf, red coat, vintage fly broochwinter fashion, christmas party look, vintage earrings, vintage fly brooch, red coat, plaid winter scarf, red lipstickwinter fashion, christmas party look, louis vuitton bag, red coat, pattern dress, white heels, plaid winter scarf, vintage earringslouis vuitton bagwinter fashion, christmas party look, louis vuitton bag, red coat, pattern dress, red lipstickwinter fashion, christmas party look, louis vuitton bag, red coat, pattern dress, white heels, vintage earrings and broochwinter fashion, christmas party look, louis vuitton bag, red coat, pattern dress, white heels, vintage earrings and brooch


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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