Featured, Personal Style

The Little Witch In The Office

February 10, 2019

Careful, or I might put a hex on you. Take you into the woods. Have my way with you. Drink some witches’ brew.

My life has again been immersed in black, a look back to my black-er times in my teenage years. As I’m writing now I’m listening to Evanescence and for the first time I’m loving the cold outside and my walks through the dark city at night. And for that reason I’ve put together a look that is so fabulous office witchy. A bringing together of my latest vintage designer clothes and this perfect black coat right here.

A post ruled by Ralph Lauren goodies and a DKNY bag that the moment I saw knew would be perfect for my rock & roll/edgy outfits I sometimes bring going out, or around the office. Because this girl right here does not want to be office boring.

As always,


Wearing: Trench Coat // Indivi, Denim Cotton Shirt // Ralph Lauren, Skirt // C&A, Hat // H&M, Bag // Donna Karan, Black Pumps // Ralph Lauren, Earrings // vintagelady.ro, Skull Scarf // vintage, Fishnet Stockings // Gatta.

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Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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