Featured, Personal Style

Winter’s Last Breath

February 27, 2019

I guess I should be jumping with joy now that Winter is finally over. Should I? This Winter has brought me some fond memories and happenings very close to my heart that if I don’t enjoy my least favorite season that means, in my overthinking mind, that I’m negating or wanting to skip this season all together, along with moments and meaningful times. Which is a treason to my heart. So I should rethink this whole “hating on Winter” for a while now, or even forever.

But alas, this goose down puffer jacket would have been lost in my closet until next season too. And that would have been terrible. Terrible because it’s the perfect switch from the comfort of my bed to a bed like comfort going outside without freezing my ass off. And I am sure sleepwalking to work in it.

Also, as of recently me turning into a fashionable witch has brought back my never ending love of black. Sometimes a little too much black, a situation that forces me to bring out my bling. And if in the past my bling meant ALL the sparkly accessories, now I use the rule of one. And unless I’m feeling ghoulish, I skip the dark make-up and black heels. I go for stylish with a hint of dark (inside and outside). This week’s winter stylish black ensemble below.

As always,


Wearing: Goose Down Jacket // Donna Karan, Turtleneck Jumper // thrifted, Jeans // Reserved, Heels // Dorothy Perkins, Bag // Banana Republic,  Earrings // Banana Republic.

Donna Karan goose down jacket, black turtleneck jumper, Banana Republic crystal earrings, jeans, Banana Republic bag, all black look, winter lookDonna Karan goose down jacket, jeans, Banana Republic bag, all black look, winter look, white heelsDonna Karan goose down jacket, Banana Republic crystal earrings, jeans, Banana Republic bag, all black look, winter lookDonna Karan goose down jacket, Banana Republic crystal earrings, jeans, white heels, Banana Republic bag, all black look, winter lookDonna Karan goose down jacket, black turtleneck jumper, Banana Republic crystal earrings, all black look, winter lookDonna Karan goose down jacket, jeans, Banana Republic bag, white heels, all black look, winter lookDonna Karan goose down jacket, black turtleneck jumper, jeans, Banana Republic bag, white heels, all black look, winter lookDonna Karan goose down jacket, Banana Republic bag, all black look, winter look


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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