Featured, Personal Style

All Marble

July 27, 2019

Summer means never having to say “I only have to wear Summer-y clothes

Break the pattern, wear black, deep navy blues, dark neutrals, go for whites. Today I’m back with another “not so boring” office look, because most of my time is spent in heels. And because I have all this wonderful marble jewelry I thought I’d perfectly match them to a top found by accident in a thrift shop: a silky marble pattern top. “Were they made together?” kind of perfect match.

I know it’s extremely hot for blazers, but they do look cool inside, near every office who has an AC. And this time I didn’t bring a bag, just my “never leaving me” wallet/mini clutch, a kind of “Jack of all trades” accessory. The most gorgeous print to wear, no matter the season: marble.

What do you think? Power look?

As always,


Wearing: Marble Top // thrifted, Jeans // Koton, Blazer // Orsay, Heels // Dorothy Perkins, Wallet // Pierre Cardin, Brooch // Chanel, Marble Jewelry // Zaful.

Marble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, Chanel brooch, navy blazer, blonde hair, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, Chanel brooch, navy blazer, blonde hair, white heels, navy jeans, Pierre Cardin wallet, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, Chanel brooch, navy blazer, blonde hair, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, Chanel brooch, navy blazer, blonde hair, navy jeans, Pierre Cardin wallet, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, Chanel brooch, navy blazer, blonde hair, navy jeans, white heels, Pierre Cardin wallet, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, Chanel brooch, navy blazer, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, navy jeans, navy blazer, blonde hair, white heels, Pierre Cardin wallet, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, Pierre Cardin wallet, blonde hair, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, marble jewelry, Chanel brooch, navy blazer, blonde hair, navy jeans, white heels, Pierre Cardin wallet, navy blue and white lookMarble look, office look, marble top, blonde hair


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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