Lifestyle, Tips

Princess Cut vs Cushion Cut: What is the Best Cut for an Engagement Ring?

October 28, 2019

If you are looking to pop that magical question anytime soon, there are many aspects to consider, not least the diamond engagement ring. It is one of the most challenging tasks for any man to come up with the perfect engagement ring design, what with the setting, shape and, of course, the cut of the diamond. Two of the most popular diamond cuts are the Princess and the Cushion Cut, and with that in mind, here is some additional information on both cuts to help you make an informed decision.

The Princess Cut

This is a relatively new cut, which first emerged in the 1960s, and the Princess Cut is known for bold geometrical lines, giving the diamond a modern appearance. The sharper edges on the Princess Cut gives the impression the stone is bigger than it really is, and for any girl with the modern touch, the Princess Cut is a great choice. Rather than selecting a diamond engagement ring from a jewellery store, you can buy the perfect diamond for sale from a specialist wholesale diamonds dealer and have the ring custom made, which is no more expensive and you have a unique one-off ring. The Princess Cut does bring out the sparkle in the stone. However, with its sharp edges, there could be a risk of damage, so the setting needs to be suitable.

The Cushion Cut

Formerly known as the “old mine cut”, this cut has a soft look, hence the name “cushion”, which was introduced in the 19th century. This cut was very popular until the Round Cuts emerged, and if your lady loves antiques, this could be the cut for her. Some Cushion Cuts appear square, while others look rectangular, depending on the diamond. On the downside, the Cushion Cut can make a stone look slightly smaller than it really is, so bear this in mind when making your decision.

Custom Designs

A diamond engagement ring is the ultimate symbol of undying love, and if you have the ring custom made, it will truly be a one-off design, and there isn’t a woman alive today that would not be impressed with such a gesture. There are also various articles online which you can refer to if you want to learn how each type of cut affects the sparkle of the stone.

Buying Loose Stones

Rather than looking at ready-made diamond rings, you can approach an established diamond wholesaler to acquire the perfect diamonds, and some diamond wholesalers are also custom jewellers who will create the perfect ring that is based on your concepts. Most people are under the impression that creating a diamond ring from scratch is beyond their budget, yet having a ring custom made is no more costly that buying a ready-made ring.
If you want to be absolutely sure that she loves the ring, ask her to help you create the design. While you might lose the element of surprise, at least you know that the ring design is one that she really loves.

This article is published in partnership with Mediabuzzer.


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