Featured, Personal Style

All I Want For Christmas Is You

December 24, 2020
Christmas lights, Christmas look. Burberry scarf, Zara coat, red lips, Zaful earrings, festive, festive look

I have been waiting all year to find a place full of Christmas lights to shoot in the cold, almost bare legs with just a big scarf keeping me warm. How the girls do it in London. Joke was on me, because I was frozen by the time we were done. The joys of shooting a blog post in Winter, not really what I had planned in my mind. But alas, the scenery was beautiful, it was kind of late in the evening, with just a few people around. Just how I like it. And the photos turned out great. I had the best make-up in a while, I was all glow-y with red lips. What is Christmas without a red lip?

I’m much more at peace now this Christmas, although I had a pretty rough year, the pandemic notwithstanding. And fortunately I thought I would look at fashion with a frivolous eye all together. But make-up and fashion, something so frivolous as a whole, is what keeps me sane and helps my mental state. In a world so terrible I need a piece that brings joy, even if some may consider superficial. It’s where my creativity thrives. And I should be reminded always to not fell apologetic about it. You should always have something that brings you joy and makes you happy.

Some climb mountains, I wear heels.

As always,


I was wearing: Coat // Zara, Cashmere Scarf // Burberry, Skirt // thrifted, Heels // Steve Madden, Earrings // Zaful, Bag //Sammydress.com, Satin Gloves // random.

Christmas lights, Christmas look, red lips, Burberry scarf, Zaful earrings, festive, festive lookChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, red lips, Zaful earrings, festive, festive lookChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, chevron bag, black heels, black skirt, red lips, Zaful earrings, festive, festive lookChristmas lights, Christmas look, red lips, Burberry scarf, festive, festive lookChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, chevron bag, black heels, black skirt, red lips, festive, festive lookbokehChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, red lips, festive, festive lookbokehChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, red lips, festive, festive lookChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, chevron bag, black heels, black skirt, red lips, Zaful earrings, festive, festive lookChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, black satin gloves, chevron bag, festive, festive lookChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, black satin gloves, festive, festive lookChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, chevron bag, black heels, black skirt, red lips, Zaful earrings, festive, festive lookbokehChristmas lights, Christmas look, Burberry scarf, Zara coat, black satin gloves, festive, festive look


I wish you all Happy Holidays and I’ll see you next year ☺

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