Featured, Personal Style


May 4, 2021
daisy print hair scarf, trench coat, into the woods, spring look

In this pandemic I grew my hair longer. Haven’t had it this long since 2009. I tried making it darker but the blonde sticks to me. My hair is naturally very curly and my hair color close to a red-ish dark blonde. In the end I dyed my roots darker and right now I am back to a very light blonde.

This spring the biggest trend is “daisies everything“. All the pretty daisy prints should come my way. The hair is longer and I can experiment as much as I like with it. In this post you’ll mostly see the back of my head, blonde hair wrapped in a pony tail. And I feel like I should wear my hair up in buns a lot now.

I am prancing around in the woods again, with my favorite trench coat and suede boots. I hope to ditch the jeans soon and wear all the pretty dresses and skirts I didn’t get a chance to wear last year. Stick around for that 😊

As always,


I was wearing: Trench Coat // Zara, Striped Shirt // thrifted, Jeans // Primark, Suede Boots // Mango, Daisy Print Hair Scarf // CCC Accessories, Daisy Earrings // CCC Accessories, Letter Necklaces // Zara and Stradivarius, Pendant // Chanel.

trench coat, jeans, suede boots, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woodsinto the woods, green leafstrench coat, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, jeans, suede boots, daisy print hair scarf, striped shirt, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, letter necklaces, daisy print hair scarf, daisy earrings, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, chanel pendant, letter necklaces, striped shirt, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, jeans, suede boots, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, jeans, suede boots, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, jeans, suede boots, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, jeans, suede boots, daisy print hair scarf, striped shirt, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, jeans, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woodstrench coat, jeans, suede boots, striped shirt, spring, spring look, into the woodsinto the woods, green leafstrench coat, jeans, suede boots, daisy print hair scarf, spring, spring look, into the woods, photographing a flower


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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