Featured, Personal Style, Travel

Up High on Etna Volcano, Sicily

August 31, 2024
Etna Volcano

The most amazing views, the most amazing day. Going up Etna volcano was easy: 50 euros by cable car, up to 2500m. Even higher, 78 euros. I was happy even going up to 2500m, grabbing a Messina and enjoying the 15 degrees (Celsius) coming from 40.

The volcano is surreal, has many craters and a huge tourist base for any kind of expedition. After coming down we decided to climb Silvestri crater, a small crater that erupted in 1892. Usually the high volcano attracts many clouds during the day. The crater is lower and full of wonderful coastal and sea views. Lava is everywhere, crunchy and hard. Like you’re living on another planet. The journey up from the sea is worth everything.

As always,


I was wearing: Jacket // Mango, Pants // Terranova, Shoes // Zara, T-Shirt // Esmara (Lidl), Backpack // random.

Etna Volcano - 2500m sceneryEtna Volcano - amazing scenery Etna Volcano - 2500m sceneryEtna Volcano - amazing scenery Etna Volcano - 2500m sceneryEtna Volcano - amazing scenery Etna Volcano - 2500m sceneryEtna Volcano - cable car to 2500mEtna Volcano - lava rocksCrater on Etna Volcano Crater on Etna Volcano Etna Volcano - cable car to 2500mEtna Volcano - big lava rockEtna Volcano - the road upEtna - Up the volcanoCrater on Etna Volcano


Thanks for dropping by, see you next time.

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