Beauty, Collaborations, Featured
IONA Jewelry
RO Se spune că detaliile stau în lucrurile simple. Lucrurile delicate menite să îți transmită un sentiment anume. Să…
May 28, 2019RO Se spune că detaliile stau în lucrurile simple. Lucrurile delicate menite să îți transmită un sentiment anume. Să…
May 28, 2019Extensions are lengths of hair, either synthetic or natural, that are fixed to the scalp to include volume in…
August 6, 2018Getting glammed up for Valentine’s day. Right this way. But first… confession time. This Sunday as I photographed this…
February 5, 2018At home, at my parent’s house, where I usually take my portraits, in my old room, a room I…
January 17, 2018Extensions have grown to be very popular nowadays and sale in many shapes, designs and sizes. Today the hairstyle…
October 29, 2017RO Imi plac. Atat am sa va spun 🙂 Ba nu, stati asa. Saptamana trecuta cativa bloggeri din Timisoara…
July 9, 2017