Featured, Personal Style, Travel

Life’s A Beach

August 4, 2018

After a while I start to see myself always on a beach. Hearing the waves. Thinking about someone. Remembering someone. Remembering a song lost forgotten. My life has always been a beach. Breezy, calm with an usual storm or two. Never a hurricane. Where I usually find myself. If I could I would spend my life forever on a beach, just my laptop and my thoughts.

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Featured, Personal Style, Travel

Things To Do In Vama Veche

July 29, 2018
vama veche


Have a cocktail or two …or three. Lounge on the beach, thinking about nothing and everything. Stand in a sunset so beautiful you’d think you were on another planet. Take in the good music and congratulate yourself on feeling truly happy. Take long romantic walks without gazing into your phone. Take cool photos. Drink a bottle of wine with friends under the full moon. Use this time to recharge and laugh.

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Collaborations, Featured, Personal Style

Girl Boss

July 17, 2018


În postarea de astăzi am adunat ceea ce îmi place și ador de ceva vreme, și daca mă urmăriți probabil ați observat: un pic de vintage, un pic de accesorii de designer și un pic mai mult negru.

Ținuta de astăzi are la bază dragostea mea pentru font-uri. Nici un designer grafic respectabil nu se poate dezice de ele. Așa că, atunci cand am văzut acești pantofi, am știut că ei vor fi cei mai potriviți pentru mine. Nu numai pentru că acest “kitten heel” este foarte comod, dar și pentru că mesajul mi-a răsunat în suflet. Pentru că de fiecare dată cand veniți aici să știți că aici sunt o “girl boss“, cu mânuțele mele am creat acest blog, și tot cu mânuțele mele și multă creativitate continui să dau content de calitate.

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Featured, Personal Style

So Rock’N’Roll

June 30, 2018

How would you wear a beautiful scarf like this? Especially if it’s a Gaultier.

When I was 12-13 I used to spend my Summer breaks in my mother’s closet. Before I discovered my black/edgy self, before Brit Pop came into my life, before I would allow myself to become someone cool. I used to walk in her heels, listen to Celine and Mariah and read Danielle Steel romance novels. What can I say, those were the mid 90s. Before Britney came along and changed everything.

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