Personal Style

Floral Blouse, Jeans and Flats

May 22, 2015


Last Saturday I went with two of my girlfriends at The Light Festival – a festival in the park, where, when the sun sets, many candles are lit and hundreds of sky lanterns are released at once. We had a lot of fun taking photos and being… well, girly girls. Continue Reading…

Personal Style

White Shirt and Black Leggings

May 17, 2015


If you’re like me and petite, you sometimes like to shop in the kids department. Unless the store has a petite department. (Halleluja! Let me live there!) It can save you a lot of hassle.

I wanted this shirt, I liked this shirt. I even have separate earrings that matched the pattern of this shirt. It is by design a loose shirt. Not even an XS could fit me properly. I looked like a hobo. Continue Reading…

Easy Recipes, Lifestyle

Dark Chocolate Oreo Desserts

May 13, 2015

dark chocolate oreo desserts

Sunday was a kind of “it’s looking cloudy and later will rain” day. A day better spent in the kitchen. I haven’t made something sweet in a while and returned to my favorite dessert: the chocolate cake. But that cake transformed into chocolate muffins. And those muffins completely morphed in something completely different: muffins in a glass. I know, weird. How did that happen’? The undecided factor, that is what happened: a chocolate cake would be too fatty for us, let’s cut the ingredients in half. Cutting the ingredients in half turned my muffins in teeny tiny ones that were not enough to stand on their own. But no panic. I transformed the whole muffin dessert into muffins in a glass dessert, that I wish by the end of the day was indeed more of to begin with. They were delicious, very well cooked and yummier even the next day. Continue Reading…

Beauty, Personal Style

The Kitty Headband

April 18, 2015

Kitty HeadbandKitty Headband

Meow girls, Festival Season is here! Hurray! With Coachella entering its second weekend, this is the time to go wild, go hippie, … go catty 🙂 For the last days I have entered a non-stop search for the perfect Summer vacation spots and maybe (fingers crossed) catch a concert or two for my birthday, beginning of June. I already got tickets with my girlfriends to see Robbie Williams. Yay! I know going to a festival is somehow hard to pull of a perfect look (I know, I’ve been there, trying my damn hardest to tame my hair but by the second day it just gave up and became this poodle dog mess, because my hair is naturally very curly and in the end I had to embrace the curl). Continue Reading…

Personal Style

Pink Madness

March 22, 2015

Pink Jumper & Heels You know when you have a favorite piece of clothing, be it jeans, a skirt, a pair of shoes, a jumper, a hoodie that you wear until it’s literally so worn out that you refuse to stop wearing it because it’s your favorite god dammit!, and no amount of tear and wear can persuade you to throw it in the back of your closet? I think this pink jumper will have that faith. All of my girlfriends know I like pink. Who girl doesn’t? And not because I was a Disney princess as a child, it’s much more technical. It’s the M (magenta) in the CMYK. Yeah, I already lost you. I’m a Graphic Designer, I like colors, and I like pixels. CMYK are the print color codes. But I’m no crazy pink lady. It has always got to be the perfect pink hues. So over time a pink plethora of clothes began to stack in my closet. Now I can wear whatever and still have some pinks lost in my outfits. I will end with the divine peep-toe high-heeled shoes. They are gorgeous and they are the best shoes I ever did buy for myself, thank you very much. Continue Reading…