Featured, Personal Style
A Winter Wonderland
Oh, how the weather surprised us, giving us a Winter Wonderland just in time for Christmas. I’m not usually…
December 21, 2018Oh, how the weather surprised us, giving us a Winter Wonderland just in time for Christmas. I’m not usually…
December 21, 2018RO În postarea de astăzi am adunat ceea ce îmi place și ador de ceva vreme, și daca mă…
July 17, 2018How would you wear a beautiful scarf like this? Especially if it’s a Gaultier. When I was 12-13 I…
June 30, 2018Last night (a Saturday night) we fell asleep at 10 pm. I had my wi-fi open on my phone.…
March 18, 2018I’m skipping ahead (because I want these days to enjoy myself offline) and wish you now a Merry Christmas…
December 21, 2017I remember a time, when walking home from high-school, stumbling upon a new little shop that sold compact cassettes.…
August 7, 2017