Collaborations, Featured, Personal Style
Miss Millennial Scarlett
The sad realization that Summer is almost over… Sad face. I have a short trip planned for us to…
August 17, 2017The sad realization that Summer is almost over… Sad face. I have a short trip planned for us to…
August 17, 2017I remember a time, when walking home from high-school, stumbling upon a new little shop that sold compact cassettes.…
August 7, 2017Hot Summer days. Really hot Summer days. All I could muster for you today. And today I’m wearing my…
July 12, 2017RO Imi plac. Atat am sa va spun Ba nu, stati asa. Saptamana trecuta cativa bloggeri din Timisoara…
If you ever find yourself in the middle of Romania, please do stop in Cluj and after visit the…
July 5, 2017