Featured, Personal Style

A Winter Wonderland

December 21, 2018

Oh, how the weather surprised us, giving us a Winter Wonderland just in time for Christmas. I’m not usually happy about Winter weather but I can perk up instantly if there are mountains of snow outside.

I’m a sucker for any Louis Vuitton bag, so here I am – parading in front of you with another one. Standing out from all the white around is me in black, a return to my “all black” outfits. A lesson learned over and over again – the classics never go out of style if you wear them well: a good trench and a classic designer bag. That is why I made this post and continue to look for classic pieces. Not entirely true now that I think about it, the snow had a lot of visual help, I wanted to wear my white heels right then and there, imagine that.

I will continue with my “all black” outfits for NYE as well, I have a thing in not wearing traditional, colorful outfits because my NYE looks were always in black, why break my tradition? I like to wear out my rocker chic boots and my leather jackets. I won’t be around here until after Christmas, so I wish you a happy, happy Christmas and hopefully in my week off from work I will manage to bring you more looks for the holidays. Until then… a Happy and Merry Christmas!

As always,


Wearing: Trench Coat // Zara, Jumper // thrifted, Jeans // C&A, Boots // Zaful, Bag // Louis Vuitton, Earrings // vintagelady.ro.

all black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, louis vuitton bag, zara trench coat, zaful boots, vintage earrings, oversized sweater, jeansall black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, zara trench coat, zaful boots, jeansall black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, zara trench coat, snowflakes, oversized sweaterall black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, zara trench coat, zaful boots, vintage earrings, oversized sweater, jeansall black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, louis vuitton bag, zara trench coat, zaful boots, vintage earrings, jeanslouis vuitton bagall black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, red lipstick, zara trench coat, vintage earrings, oversized sweatercatching snowflakes, winter wonderlandall black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, louis vuitton bag, zara trench coat, red lipstick, vintage earrings, oversized sweaterall black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, louis vuitton bag, zaful boots, vintage earrings, oversized sweater, jeansall black, winter fashion, snow, winter wonderland, louis vuitton bag, zara trench coat, zaful boots, vintage earrings, oversized sweater, jeans


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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