Featured, Personal Style

First Day Of Spring

March 1, 2020
Spring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, red tartan scarf, Spring look

It is the first time this year that I’m surrounded by nature. No big city lights. I have my little places where I like to shoot for my blog and they never disappoint. Too bad Winter is still here to stay, but I did see some magnolias along the way that are ready to pop. Today may be the first day of Spring, but I don’t see the cold leaving anytime soon. Big scarfs are still here to stay.

A popular fashion rule to break (since we last visited Scotland 5 months ago): you can actually wear tartan prints whenever you like. The great, traditional criss-crossed horizontal and vertical pattern is not only suited for Autumn, it is great to wear the whole year round. I appreciate a good tartan print whenever I see one and today I have my red lips and I am back in nature.

A nature walk look inspiration right below, no woods this time.

As always,


I was wearing: Tartan Jacket // Rinascimento, Tartan Scarf // Pull & Bear, Bag // H&M, Jeans // Primark, Turtleneck // thrifted, Boots // Primark, Fishnet socks // Auchan, Earrings // Guess.

Spring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, red tartan scarf, brown satchel bag, black jeans, Spring look, red lipsBega River, water, pond, by the water, natureSpring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, red tartan scarf, brown satchel bag, black jeans, high brown boots, fishnet socks, Spring lookSpring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, Spring look, red lipsBega River, water, pond, by the water, natureSpring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, red tartan scarf, brown satchel bag, black jeans, high brown boots, fishnet socks, Guess earrings, Spring lookSpring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, red tartan scarf, brown satchel bag, black jeans, high brown boots, fishnet socks, Guess earrings, Spring lookSpring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, red tartan scarf, brown satchel bag, black jeans, high brown boots, fishnet socks, Guess earrings, Spring look, red lipsSpring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, red tartan scarf, brown satchel bag, black jeans, Spring look, red lips, Guess earringsSpring Tartan, Rinascimento red tartan jacket, red tartan scarf, brown satchel bag, black jeans, Spring look, red lips


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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