Featured, Personal Style


February 14, 2021
Valentines day look, black trench coat, black silk scarf with bugs, date night, dark lipstick, dark lips, blonde

You know me, I never do Valentine’s in red. Black is what I adore, prefer, serve it on a plate daily, and lately, what I let embrace me. Just like love. I let it devour me. Completely. LOVE… just a word really. Nothing compares to what it does to you.

I live for romantic love and it has taken me twenty years to realize it.  I had it, searched for it and craved it since I was 14. I need deep, passionate, “can’t live without each other” kind of love.  What you desire is what you attract. I had sleepless nights, restless nights, “come with me in the middle of the night and let’s get lost” kind of love. I climbed rooftops, went to new places, it’s the only thing I did not hide from.

I find that a black trench, sheer black stockings and a pair of classic black heels is the sexiest look I can imagine. Simple, bold, a classic impact. A perfect look for me for date night. If you’ve got killer heels you can conquer the world. And I have plenty.

If not for LOVE, then what are we living for?

As always,


I was wearing: Trench Coat // Pinko, Heels // Steve Madden, Silk Scarf with Bugs // random, Skirt // H&M, Butterfly Ring // Accessorize, Insect Brooches // vintage.

Valentines day look, dark lipstick, dark lips, butterfly ring, date night, black trench coat, blonde, valentines day make-upValentines day look, black trench coat, black silk scarf with bugs, date night, dark lipstick, dark lips, blondeValentines day look, black trench coat, black silk scarf with bugs, date night, dark lipstick, dark lips, blondeValentines day look, black trench coat, black silk scarf with bugs, date night, dark lipstick, dark lips, blondeValentines day look, black trench coat, black silk scarf with bugs, date night, dark lipstick, dark lips, blondeValentines day look, black trench coat, black silk scarf with bugs, date night, dark lipstick, dark lips, blondeValentines day look, black trench coat, black silk scarf with bugs, date night, dark lipstick, dark lips, blonde


Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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