Featured, Personal Style

Sweet November

November 21, 2021
vintage scarf, fall fashion

The nearest park in Autumn is my favorite place. The whole neighborhood actually. Autumn leaves are everywhere, the cold has people locked inside and I get to revel in all the autumn foliage.

After many cloudy days, this one stood out the most, with the most warm golden hour November has to offer. I am still in home office, but I do get to wear my heels every chance I get. And this vintage scarf was purchased over a year ago, now it’s time to shine. Offering another chic office look today, with no office to go to myself. I find a little bit of happiness in getting dressed up in this pandemic. And having to do something I enjoy. The days get darker, but a little bit of sunshine I can inspire with this blog post.

As always,


I was wearing: Scarf // vintage, Shirt // Vila, Jacket // Ralph Lauren, Jeans // Primark, Heels // Ralph Lauren, Bag // Michael Kors.

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Thanks for dropping by and I’ll see you next time.

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