Featured, Travel


June 26, 2019

The Adriatic Sea: salty, cold and oh so blue. The azure blue leaks through its every drop. After Alberobello and Locorotondo (which are further away from the South Coast) we took a train from Bari and hopped to see the sea and have coffee in Monopoli, before getting back to Pugliano a Mare for a beach day.

Monopoli is a quaint little village, full of Italian music and places to eat and enjoy the sea at every corner. Its relaxed atmosphere is enjoyed best just by sitting and watching. Watching lovers walk and runners have their morning jog. Its narrow streets make way to an infinity of sea. Ships are docked everywhere and a resting calm is felt in every white rock that forms another beautiful Italian town.

As always,


MonopoliMonopoli - Guess bag and white summer hat with shortsMonopoliMonopoliMonopolicoffee in MonopoliMonopoli - ceramic decorMonopoliMonopoliMonopoliMonopoliMonopoliMonopoliMonopoliMonopoliMonopoliMonopoliMonopoli


Thank you for coming along and I’ll see you in my next travel post from Italy.

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